Madurai - My Favorite City

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Friday, 18 December 2015



The 3rd largest city in Tamil Nadu, Madurai is also one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. The place has been mentioned by many such as Kautilya and Megasthenes. The city has been ruled by both the Pandya and the Chola dynasties. The city houses a number of important and magnificent temples that it is built around. Geographically the city of Madurai lies on the fertile plains near the river Vaigai which divides the city in two parts. The land is thus mainly used for agriculture and the major supplier for paddy crops such as rice in India. The majority of tourists who come to Madurai come to visit the various temples that enshrine this ancient city. The Meenakshi Ammam Temple is of prime importance here as it has been mentioned in almost all the ancient texts and is considered as the prime pilgrim spot for the Tamil people. The Temple complex consists of 27 different temples and the highest tower with the height of 51.9 meters high crowns the place. Many different monuments and temples are also a must visit along with the various festivals celebrated here. The town of Madurai is a spiritual experience in itself.

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